2018 Reads: The Year of Polygamy

2018 Reads: The Year of Polygamy
Photo by RetroSupply / Unsplash

I’ve always been a bit of a serial monogamist with books. Love the one you’re with. I might gaze at other books in Waterstones but I’d never open them. I had a book and I was going to FINISH IT.

What tends to happen if you apply this conservative mating philosophy to the books you’re reading is that you will get pretty bored sooner or later. You might read a few books and really like them. At some point you’re going to pick up a shit one though and grinding through that one half heartedly, yearning to be free, will be enough to put you off books for a few months while the memory fades.

So, being one for a bit of self improvement and stirred by some worrying predictions for lifetime book absorption I tried a few things.

Firstly, I adopted a routine of reading in the morning on the way to work and that would be non-fiction. I considered this ‘the hearty breakfast’. In the evening would be more of a pudding, usually fiction, usually science fiction, occasionaly utterly brilliant trash.

Gone was the requirement to read one book at a time, gone was the implicit requirement to only read great literature or design & UX classics. Sometimes I would read complete shit and that would be ok.

Luckily for me this approach seems to have been a runaway success. My previous record for books was 13, this year I’ve annhiliated that record, reading 35 books. So that’s good isnt it.

I’ll presume you’re clapping.

See my shelf here