Basement Files 36

"A significant part of attaining excellence in any field is closing the gap between the accidental and intentional, to achieve not just a something... but a specific and well chosen thing" - Ken Kocienda

Visual Inspiration

Product Inspiration

We Are Rewind - Walkman

The new Sony Walkman are amazing and these are too. The nostalgic thought of recording mixtapes on to this thing has got me.

We Are Rewind walkman
Like the old-school cassette players, our players have fast forward/rewind buttons, a headphone output, a volume control and an audio input so you can create your own mixtapes. But because you have to keep up with the times, we’ve added a few modern touches. First, we’ve replaced the batteries with…

Peak hipster bullshit? Right up my alley mate.

Human Inspiration

Fons Mans

Its hard not to be impressed by Fons Mans (and I have tried). Designer, founder and entrepreneur who has built great communities and shipped beautiful work. A great example of the new wave of 'designpreneurs' and an intelligent marketer with taste.

Fons Mans | Linktree
I build my ideas, help others to shape theirs, and talk design.