Basement Files 42

"If you want to go fast; go alone. If you want to go far, go together"

Visual Inspiration


If you're prone to assessing your life annually, these are good questions to ask:

40 questions to ask yourself every year
Every year I ask myself these 40 questions. I’ve shared this list with my family and closest friends, and always enjoy discussing answers as we reflect on th…

For every good idea that comes out of you, you need ten good ideas coming into you. And that’s up to you to ensure that you continuously fill yourself up with fresh knowledge and information and impressions so that one thing can come out. — René Redzepi

"Creative People"

I hesitated to put this image in the usual gallery because it contains one of my least favourite phrases.

Whenever I hear "Creative people" I cringe. I think it does damage on both sides.

  1. People who think of themselves as creative get all warm and cosy thinking about how creative they are, they often consider themselves above other people, eventually get lazy and lose the ability to be creative.
  2. People who don't think of themselves as creative avoid opportunities to get creative because they think they're not the right type of person. I am not a musician, but I bought a bass last week. Now I'm a musician.

The point is still a good one, set aside some time to do nothing.