Basement Files 64

Basement Files 64
New ways of looking at things create much greater innovation than new ways of doing them.




Experience a calmer, more human Internet

Could this be a better way of saving text / quotes / thoughts? I'm trying it

Record Club
Record Club is a new social music network that makes it easy to track, rate, review and compile lists of your favorite releases with a…

A great way find out about new music (and decide I don't like it 🥴) Since Spotify is ideologically opposed to recommend long playing pieces of work, just endless 'vibe' mixes.


I read a lot of things related to design process, or more accurately anti-process.

Design research is overrated — Dragan Babić
For some reason we keep coming back to this topic of research: why it’s important, and why they won’t let us do it as much as we want.
DOC • Process
On building trust, not checklists.

Something worth remembering when you're having a confidence crisis. Steve Jobs, probably the greatest product person ever was going to call the iMac....... Macman. You're doing fine. Keep going.

It was Segall who persuaded Jobs in 1998 to use “iMac” as a new computer name instead of the internally-developed and rather dreadful moniker MacMan.

On Repeat

Urgh I've not heard anything great all week, send me something!

Seeya 👋