Basement Files 65

"The big secret to happiness is just liking stuff. Finding more stuff to like. Finding ways to like stuff you didn’t before.”

Basement Files 65

"The big secret to happiness is just liking stuff. Finding more stuff to like. Finding ways to like stuff you didn’t before.” - @lauren_wilford



Writing morning pages with 750 Words

V2 - 750 Words
750 Words V2

6 day streaakkk motherflipperzzz


The Will of the Many (Hierarchy, #1)
At the elite Catenan Academy, a young fugitive uncovers…

This grabs you and does not let go

The Dance of the Possible: the mostly honest completely…
The powers of creative thinking can be yours if you’re …

Very readable and not the usual stuff

On Repeat

A grower, not a show-er