Basement Files 68

Basement Files 68

"When someone submits a bug report about some jank, sometimes it’s easy to classify it as a small issue. Then I run into it myself, realize that it really affects the experience, and go fix it right away. Felt pain is way more salient than communicated pain."



This library of handwriting styles taught around the world

A synthesiser in your browser

Shawn Lukas


When someone reads a book, watches a video, or attends a live training, the copyright holder gets paid. Why should derivative content generated with the assistance of AI be any different? Accordingly, we have built tools to integrate AI-generated products directly into our payment system. This approach enables us to properly attribute usage, citations, and revenue to content and ensures our continued recognition of the value of our authors’ and teachers’ work.

In our increasingly data-driven world, where algorithms and analytics often dictate design decisions, we need more heart-led design.

On repeat


Week 25 Playlist

👋 Seeya