Basement Files 69

Basement Files 69
"Kill your darlings" - I really liked this ribbon of themes this week but we decided to cut it.
If there is no sacrifice there is no discipline, and if there is no discipline there is no progress.



Curation of Curations
Netflix, But for Design & Entrepreneurship. Dive into a world of design with handpicked podcasts, videos, blogs, and much more.


I finally finished The Will of The Many - one of the best books I've ever read. I can't wait for the next one early next year.

Extremely Hardcore

Sibling Rivalry


Selected extracts from stuff I've read this week:

"Study decisions, not just ideas. It's decisions and the people who make them that define how ideas are evaluated. If you feel mystified and angry when "the best" idea doesn't get chosen it's because you've been studying the layer of ideas ideas which always yields to the layer of decisions."

Creative people are at their best when they’re blowing things up, tearing things apart, poking, examining, questioning and reconstructing. In short – finding new patterns in the chaos. And usually ones other people don’t see.

I am not perfect at this, but in that pause after a botched meeting or a dumbass oversight, we learned to sit, listen, think and find the lesson that would point us in the right direction.

You have to give yourself what you needed when you were a kid, and give your kids what they need now.)

Your hand’s skill can never surpass your eye’s taste. The world will try to turn your tastes average, so to sharpen your eye, choose to spend your time in communities of outlier tastes.

On Repeat

Listening W26

Week 26 Playlist on Apple Music