Basement Files 98

Basement Files 98


The magic that’s coming now is the most powerful yet. And that means that we’re beginning a profound period of exploration and creativity, trying to understand how to make that magic work and to derive new advantages from its power. Smart developers who adopt the technology will be in demand because they can do so much more, focusing on the higher-level creativity that adds value.
The End of Programming as We Know It
An agent that simply reproduces existing business processes will be as embarrassing as a web page or mobile app that simply recreates a paper form. (And yes, those do still exist!)

8 Design Breakthroughs Defining AI’s Future
How key interface decisions are shaping the next era of human-computer interaction

A good primer on what we've learned designing AI's future

Speed requires specialization and practice—we’ve covered that already. But speed is also about giving up fast. Do a throw-away attempt at a project, find out where the tough parts are, so you can try different approaches there and get to a final result quick.

[We need] a class of aware, well-informed, trained and educated people who can navigate their way through this field of complexity, negotiating the snaky process of technosocial change and guiding them towards the sustainable.Who would that be then? Designers. Who else is there?

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

Case Studies are Hard

Case studies are incredibly difficult to create. What happened on that project 2 months ago? 2 years ago? Good luck trying to find the right Figma or understanding it if you do.

One solution is to journal what happened regularly and then use that to create the case study. That's what the Design Journal does. I even got AI to create the case study for you.

So all you need to do is add a little update at the end of every day or few days with some (optional) screenshots.

Try it for free & help me make it better!

Message me on Linkedin or BlueSky for access.

👋 Seeya.

Say hi on BlueSky, Threads or Linkedin.