Week Notes

Week Notes
Photo by Nathália Rosa / Unsplash

What I learned this week

After going all-in on the Second Brain methodology I started using the techniques in my work life after trialing it with my personal life and projects.

I managed to leave some good notes for future Russ on AB Testing & Analytics and in particular on statistical significance. A tricky subject to get my head around and a reminder why I didn’t go all in on Economics after my degree. P-values and T tables are not it for me.

I trialled Feedly AI to do some continuous research on certain topics and have come across a few things to add to my notes. A useful way to continue learning on a topic.

I used the simple Diverge -> Converge system on a discovery project at Chameleon and noticed its just the classic double diamond design methodology split into each phase. Much simpler to me to always think in terms of first diverge, then converge.

Go wide then decide. I’ve googled that and it doesn’t look like a common phrase so I’m coining it. Royalties if you use it please.

I even used this technique working on music. I split the session into two distinct phases, creating a lot of ideas then refining out the good ones. A phrase from my notes “Prune the good to surface the great” resonated with me here.

I noticed a lot of these ideas and concepts are often things I had half thought of but having a name for it helps to solidify and confirm its something worth taking seriously. Again, a reminder from my notes, "listen to and develop your intuition".

I continued to try and refine how I process information, in particular how to get newsletters out of my inbox so that I can work through them separately and make notes. Feedly+ might be the answer here as I’m still a little disappointed by the alternatives. Let me know if you have a good system for this, I’d love to hear it.

Hope you had a great week.